Condición fitosanitaria: ???
Grupo de cultivos: Ornamentales / Industriales
Rango de hospedantes: estrecho / específico.
Especie hospedante: Aloe vera, Aloe spp.
Etiología: Hongo. Biotrófico.
Agente causal: Uromyces aloes
Taxonomía: Fungi > Dikarya > Basidiomycota > Pucciniomycotina > Pucciniomycetes > Pucciniales > Pucciniaceae > Uromyces
Bily D, Nikolaeva EV, Olson T, et al. (2021) First Report of Aloe vera Rust Caused by Uromyces aloes in an Ornamental Nursery in the United States. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-05-21-1009-PDN
Lintz J, Dubrulle G, Cawston E, et al. (2022) A Short Review of Anti-Rust Fungi Peptides: Diversity and Bioassays. Front. Agron. 4: 966211. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2022.966211
Soni et al. (2011) A New Record on Occurrence of Aloe vera Rust (Uromyces aloës) from Madhya Pradesh, India. J Mycol Plant Pathol, 41(4): 644-646. Link
Thirumalachar MJ (1946) A Cytological Study of Uromyces aloes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 108(2). doi: 10.1086/335410