Condición fitosanitaria: Presente
Grupo de cultivos: Cereales
Rango de hospedantes: Los hospedantes incluyen cebada, trigo, centeno y especies de malezas y pastos (Jones y Clifford, 1983). El trigo y la cebada son los hospedantes económicamente más importantes (Murray et al., 1998).
Especie hospedante:
Epidemiología: policíclica, subaguda.
Etiología: Hongo. Hemibiotrófico
Agente causal: Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sorokin) Shoemaker, 1959 (Syn. Helminthosporium sativum H. sorokiniana) (teleomorfo Cochliobolus sativus)
Taxonomía: Eukaryota > Fungi > Dikarya > Ascomycota > Pezizomycotina > Dothideomycetes > Pleosporales > Pleosporaceae > Bipolaris
Kumar J, Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, et al. (2002) Bipolaris sorokiniana, a cereal pathogen of global concern: cytological and molecular approaches towards better control. Molecular Plant Pathology 3: 185-195. doi: 10.1046/j.1364-3703.2002.00120.x
Manandhar HK, Mathur SB, Smedegaard-Petersen V, Thordal-Christensen H (1999) Accumulation of transcripts for pathogenesis-related proteins and peroxidase in rice plants triggered by Pyricularia oryzae, Bipolaris sorokiniana and UV light. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 55: 289–295. doi: 10.1006/pmpp.1999.0235
Naeimi S, Khosravi V, Tsukiboshi T (2011) Occurrence of rice infection by Bipolaris sorokiniana in Iran. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology. Link
Ruckstuhl M (1998) Population structure and epidemiology of Bipolaris sorokiniana in the rice–wheat cropping pattern of Nepal. In: Helminthosporium Blights of Wheat: Spot Blotch and Tan Spot (Duveiller, E., Dubin, H.J., Reeves, J. and McNab A., eds). Mexico, D.F., Mexico: CIMMYT, pp. 88–106.
Takagi M, Hotamori K, Naito K, et al. (2021) Chitin-induced systemic disease resistance in rice requires both OsCERK1 and OsCEBiP and is mediated via perturbation of cell-wall biogenesis in leaves. bioRxiv 2021.11.30.470685; doi: 10.1101/2021.11.30.470685